It’s true when we say plants make people happy. We hope you’ll make any one of these plants an addition to your fresh home
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Each plant comes with simple care instructions, a money back guarantee, and direct access to our plant experts to answer questions.
Who are we ?
We are only beginning to understand the impact indoor air quality has on our mental health and work performance.
What is houseplant ?
There is no such thing as a green thumb. Plants take practice – just like anything else. The good new is – We’re here to help.
Deal of the day
FEATURED PACKAGETree in the bottle
It’s true when we say plants make people happy. We hope you’ll make any one of these plants an addition to your home
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Collection of cactus
Our goal is to make the experience of being a plant parent as wonderful as plants themselves. Because we believe plants make people happy.
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From our blogs
Noor Mohammad: Inovasi Beras Tahan Kemarau dari Rajshahi yang Seluruh Dunia
Inovasi Biostimulan Berasaskan Rumpai Laut: Penyelesaian Usup Supriyatna untuk Penanaman Perikanan Lebih Cekap
Moringa: Superfood Kaya Nutrisi untuk Kesihatan Optimum
Fokus kepada Faedah Konkrit Kerjasama Indonesia-Malaysia dalam Sektor Perniagaan Tani
Malaysia dan Indonesia Luncurkan Jaringan Komunitas AgroMadani Nusantara
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