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100 Agropreneurs Southeast Asia Strengthen Business Networks at AgroMadani Workshop MAHA 2024.

Serdang, Malaysia A total of 100 agro entrepreneurs from various Southeast Asian countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore, gathered at the AgroMadani Nusantara Community Network Workshop held at MAHA 2024. The event was organized by the Majlis Muafakat Komuniti AgroMadani Malaysia (KAMi) in collaboration with the Pusat Peranserta Masyarakat (PPM) Indonesia, and took place at Dewan Makora, Mardi Training Complex, Serdang Headquarters, Selangor, Malaysia.

The workshop aims to strengthen networking and collaboration among agro-business communities in the Malay Archipelago region, as well as explore cross-country cooperation opportunities in the agrofood sector and agro product marketing. With the main theme of "Strengthening the Nusantara Agro-Business Community in Southeast Asia," the event is expected to drive increased productivity and competitiveness of agricultural products in the global market.

The Program Secretariat Chief, Zulkafi Daud, along with DR Abdul Malik, the Principal Agricultural Researcher, officially opened the workshop. In his speech, Zulkafi emphasized the importance of cross-country collaboration to advance the agro-business sector in the Malay Archipelago.

"Cross-country collaboration is crucial to ensure that the agro-business sector in the Malay Archipelago continues to progress and compete in international markets. By uniting, we can share knowledge, experiences, and resources to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of our agricultural products," said Zulkafi.

Participants of the AgroMadani Nusantara Networking Workshop

Focus on AgroFood Production and Marketing

The workshop addressed two main issues: collaboration in agrofood production and agro product marketing. Participants discussed various cooperation opportunities to enhance food production, including the development of superior varieties, the implementation of modern agricultural technology, and improvements in post-harvest quality. They also explored effective marketing strategies for agro products, focusing on joint brand development, market expansion, and the use of digital platforms.

“We hope that through this workshop, participants can forge mutually beneficial partnerships and work together to advance the agro-business sector in our region,” said DR Abdul Malik. He added that the event serves as an important first step in building a stronger network of agro-business communities in the Nusantara.

In addition, the event also provides an opportunity for agropreneurs to exchange experiences and share innovations, both in terms of technology and business strategies, to enhance the quality and value of their agricultural products.

A Promising First Step

The event received positive feedback from participants, who view the workshop as an opportunity to expand business networks and enhance the competitiveness of agricultural products in Southeast Asia.

“This event is a good starting point for building a stronger network of agro-business communities in the Nusantara region,” said DR Abdul Malik in his speech.

MAHA 2024, which serves as the backdrop for this workshop, is also known as the largest platform for industry players and innovators in the agricultural sector to showcase their advancements and innovations. The workshop is expected to foster long-term collaboration among various agro communities in Southeast Asia, particularly among the Malay Archipelago countries.

With the growing cross-country cooperation, it is hoped that entrepreneurs and agro-business practitioners in the region can support each other in addressing challenges and seizing opportunities to develop a sustainable and competitive agricultural sector in the global market.

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